Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why Your Website Needs Evergreen Content

Why Your Website Needs Evergreen ContentWhy Your Website Needs Evergreen ContentMore and more, online publications look to publish evergreen content that is always applicable to reader interests and less likely to become immediately dated. The idea behind this type of content is to write compelling stories that are easilyfound by search engines whilemaking sure they always fresh (i.e., forever green) without having to be updated. How Evergreen Content Works The word evergreen is fruchtwein often used by editors to describe certain kinds of stories that are always of interest to readers.Evergreen content is content that is always relevant- much like the way evergreen trees retain their leaves all year around. Interesting and relevant content that does not become dated is necessary in order to be found online by search engines.Evergreen content can help deliver traffic to your website and hold a valuable position in search engine rankings for months or even years from when it was f irst published. Evergreen Content and Search Engine Optimization To better understand why evergreen content is so powerful, its important to understand how search engine optimization works. Search engines work in the following three stages Crawling (discovery of content)Indexing (analysis of keywords and storage of content)Retrieval (where user query fetches a list of relevant pages matching indexed keywords) Search engines constantly use spiders (software robots) to crawl hundreds of millions of existing web pages for keywords that best match a users searchquery. Part of the algorithm for indexing web pages includes data regarding dated or expired content that has not had a lot of views or traffic in recent history. For example, if its a story about dentists pay in a certain year, then the spiders will index that page accordingly. But a more general query to find out the average salary of a dentist will not put the content from that past year at the top of search engine results . Since evergreen content really has no expiration date and usually uses keywords that can be searched over and over again, then depending on the query, search engines are more likely to pull up a particular piece of evergreen content over and over again. Keywords and Evergreen Content Writing evergreen content around keywords that bring value to your website will help search engines direct readers to your page. For example, if your website is about health and fitness, then writing content using the keywords such as best leg exercises may be considered a smart evergreen topic, since your audience is probably always searching for the best leg exercises, no matter the season. What Evergreen Content is Not To fully grasp how to produce perpetually relevant content, you need to understand what types of stories and pieces are not evergreen. Articles that include numerical reports and statistics that may change or become out of date obviously have a limited window of usefulness. I f you are publishing a piece of content like this, its best to be specific, because someone may search for information from a given year for comparative purposes. But dont expect it to get a lot of steady web traffic. Reports on current clothing styles or fashion trends become dated very quickly, as will pop culture references and fads. Holiday or seasonal articles are not usually evergreen. However, if the content is general enough, searches for information about annual holidays like Christmas, Halloween, and Easter may find your website during those times of the year. And by their nature, news reports arent generally evergreenbut have importance for historical context and for creating a public record. Best Practices for Creating Evergreen Content Below are some common tricks to stretch the lifespan of an article. Answering reader FAQs (frequently asked questions)Providing industry tips, how to articles, or adviceExplaining common concepts in your industry for your readersFeatu re testimonials and product reviews (but these can be tricky since products are often replaced with newer models). Making the effort tocreate evergreen pieces for your website while keeping SEO in mind will help you provide your readers with useful content that they can refer back to for months or even years to come.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Pharmaceutical Internships at Merck

Pharmaceutical Internships at MerckPharmaceutical Internships at MerckMerck was formed in 1851 by Dr. Ernest Shering, who began by developing and selling pharmaceutical products in Berlin, Germany. Merck first opened its doors in the United States in 1891. In 1944 a collaboration between Rutgers University and Merck led to the development of streptomycin, an antibiotic usually administered by a professional via a syringe in a hospital setting. Medical Discoveries and Merger With Schering-Plough In that same year, Merck developed cortisone and eleven years later a team of scientists transformed cortisone into prednisone, which has been considered one of the significant medical advances of the 20th century. In 1963, Merck introduced the first measles vaccine, and four years later another one for mumps. In 2009, Merck and Schering-Plough combined to build on a rich history of scientific innovations. Today Merck is a weltweit health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescri ption medicines, vaccines, consumer health products, and animal health products. Internships Merck offers a variety of internship opportunities including research, policy, human resources, and finance jobs. At Merck, there are also a variety of career opportunities available, including Research DevelopmentSales MarketingManufacturing SupplyInformation ServicesFinanceHuman ResourcesSigmaPolicy PhilanthropyLegal Benefits Merck provides 9-week to 11-week assignments between June and August.Real-world experience aligned to a course of study.Competitive pay.Subsidized housing and transportation for those who qualify.Provides organized social and professional development events. Locations United States NJ, PA, TN, N.C, MA, VA, FL, TX, CT, KS, CA, IN International Montreal, Ireland, England, Italy, Venezuela, Netherlands, Mexico, India, Switzerland The Futures Talent Program Internships with the Future Talent Program last 10-12 weeks. Students usually become involved in one or more projects and give students a chance to see if the field and the company are a good match for the students career goals. The Future Talent Program features internships that last 10-12 weeks and will include one or more projects. These opportunities can provide you with excellent development and a chance to see if we are the right company for your long-term goals. Biology Majors Students majoring in biology will get exposure and experience working in process validation, manufacturing technical areas, analytical, biological and vaccine development. Individual projects can include the above along with applied development, problem-solving, process/product improvement, and laboratory testing in the above-listed areas. Students will also get exposure to the many analytical techniques that are currently being used, including both in vivo and in-vitro methods, to characterize complex biological products and systems. Chemistry Majors Students majoring in chemistry will ge t exposure and experience working in synthetic, organic, analytical, physical chemistry and biochemistry. Students may be engaged in various projects, including chemical laboratory work on assigned problems in the above-listed areas, along with applied development, problem-solving, process/product improvement and laboratory testing. Techniques that students may apply include NMR, HPLC, near IR, immunoassays, wet chemistry techniques, CZE, physical property testing, and other analytical techniques. Previous course sand lab work in instrumental methods is a plus. Students will get an opportunity to work in a team environment and contribute their findings to the overall results. Students will also get a chance to do analysis and interpretation of data for problem solving and predictive purposes. Specific internship openings in MMD are as follows Analytical Chemistry in Development and Supply performs analytical development and helfende hand for new chemical, biological and pharmaceutic al processes(locations - West Point, PA, Rahway, NJ Summit, NJ).Vaccine Process Technology and Operations is responsible for process implementation, validation and maintenance for biological processes (locations - West Point, PA, Elkton, VA, Durham, NC).Biologics Manufacturing Science Commercialization is responsible for the development and implementation of vaccine and therapeutic protein processes (locations - Rahway, NJ, West Point, PA). Vaccine Operations is responsible for oversight and continuous improvement for vaccine manufacturing (locations - West Point, PA, Elkton, VA, Durham, NC). Requirements Applicants must be working towards a Bachelor in Science degree in Biology, Microbiology, Virology, Chemistry or Biochemistry. Students must be available for ten weeks beginning in June.Students must possess a strong character and adhere to professional and personal ethics.Students must possess strong communication and interpersonal skills.Students must be high academic achievers. Strong analytical ability is required for these highly skilled positions.Students must have the ability to work well with others as well as independently. Students must be a US citizen or lawful permanent resident of the US. Preferred but Not Required Skills Merck favors students who have previous laboratory experience. To Apply To apply for a Merck internship, please visit their website. Create a profile on the Merck Internship siteIf selected, students will be required to complete an applicationInternship offers are made on a rolling basis are extended beginning in the fall throughout early spring

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Getting Paid While in Air Force Basic Training

Getting Paid While in Air Force Basic TrainingGetting Paid While in Air Force Basic TrainingAs with any new job, for newly enlisted military personnel, getting that first paycheck is a great validation (and often a huge relief). Military personnel are paid on the 1st and 15th of each month. If those days fall on a non-duty day, you are paid on the duty daypreceding. Your pay is direct-deposited into your bank account. Note that you can also elect to be paid monthly, but it might be difficult to budget that way. How to Prepare for Your First Air ForcePaycheck Ideally, you should set up a bank account (either savings or checking) before you depart for Air Force Basic Military Training. Bring your account information and an ATM/debit card with you. If you dont have an account set up, one of the first things the staff will do is require you to establish an account at the base credit union or base bank. During your in-processing, you will complete paperwork to begin your military pay. Getting Your First Air Force Paycheck When will you receive your first paycheck? It depends on when you complete your paperwork and when its processed. The date you fill out the paperwork during in-processing, and the date the information is input into the Finance Computer System are not the saatkorn dates. It may take as long as 30 days for you to see your first check, so try to budget accordingly. Once it arrives, your first paycheck will contain all the pay youve earned up to that point. For recruits without dependents, that means base pay only. If you enlisted with anadvanced rank, you will be paid the basic pay for that advanced rank, even though you dont get to wear the rank during basic until your graduation. How Much Will I Receive in My First Air Force Paycheck? For those with dependents, it means base pay and housing allowance. If you have dependents, youll also receive a family separation allowance,but that wont start until youve been away from your dependents fo r 30 days. Your first paycheck will be pro-rated to the number of days youve been on active duty. For example, if you receive your first paycheck 30 days after arrival, you will receive the full-rate of the monthly pay and allowances in that paycheck. If, however, you receive your first paycheck two weeks after arrival, it will contain half of the monthly base pay and half of the monthly housing allowance (for those with dependents). Of course, taxes and other deductions (such as the deduction for your basic training debit card account see below) are taken out. Basic Training Debit Card Be aware that while you may receive everything you need at basic training, only actual uniform items are issued for free. Non-uniform items, such as notebooks, pens, flashlights,etc. are not. A couple of days after arrival, youll be issued an official basic training debit card. This card has part of your initial military pay deposited in a special finance account. When you need to purchase some thing that is not issued free (such as running shoes, soap, shampoo, haircuts, laundry costs, etc.), youll use this card. Any funds remaining on this card when you schliff basic will be added to your next paycheck. Bringing Cash to Air Force Basic Training You are allowed to have cash at basic training. How much you can have at any one time is up to your training instructor, but it probably wont be a large amount. Except when youre using the cash,to buy a soda or candy bar, for instance, all your bills must be locked up in your security drawer, and you must enter and keep track of the serial numbers for each bill in your pocket notebook.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Talk about infertility with your boss without it being uncomfortable

Talk about infertility with your anfhrer without it being uncomfortableTalk about infertility with your boss without it being uncomfortableFor many, the desire to start a family is primal - a period in life theyve looked forward to for decades. Thats why infertility can be such a daunting, disheartening and difficult experience - after all, few know if they will have trouble procreating until they try.Even when you attempt to eliminate any distractions from your work and deliverables, IVF treatments can be invasive and continuous negative pregnancy tests can significantly change your attitude and your performance. Thats why its essential to have an open, candid - and yes, vulnerable - heart-to-heart with your manager if youre deep in the process of trying to conceive. In honor of National Infertility Awareness Month, a psychologist offers her best advice on how to navigate this conversation effectively in the workplaceHow infertility impacts womenWhile some little girls play with baby dolls from the time theyre old enough to push around a toy stroller, others are sparked with the desire to have a child until theyve met a lifelong partner. Others might not require a spouse and may begin a family on their own. Whatever the decision-making moment, being diagnosed as infertile is mentally and emotionally draining. Psychologist Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. explains women specifically may suffer from diminished self-confidence and sense of worth, translating into a mora reserved or defeated nature in the office. A woman may feel less competent and valuable at work which can actually make the womans job performance suffer due to her being mora insecure, less able to concentrate, being distracted, not sleeping well, and/or experiencing emotions such as irritability, anxiety, depression, frustration, grief, and/or helplessness, she explains.In plus-rechnen to the whirlwind of emotions, Dr. Thomas adds many women undergo excessive testing and procedures as they work to impro ve their chances of getting pregnant. This abundance of doctor appointments - and new levels of hormone - can pull their attention away from a client meeting and toward the long-awaited arrival of blood results. This creates an obvious stress of leaving the office several times a week - causing them to be left out of calls, emails, and progress - sparking a whole new slew of feelings. Since women must take time away from work attempting to try different methods to get pregnant, this can cause symptoms including stress, feeling overwhelmed, and disruption as they miss meetings, deadlines and find themselves getting behind with work, she explains.How infertility impacts menWhile often times, women bare the brunt of the experience, its not a female-only affair, since many men face infertility issues, too. Though biology dictates a man cant carry a child, some men may carry the burden of infertility, especially if theyre the main cause. Dr. Thomas says many males will feel inadequat e and ineffectual, which can interfere with their job performance. Even if the root of a couples inability to get pregnant stems from the female, many men will feel great empathy for their partner, and also work to overcome their own fears around not having the family they imagined. Most men also want to be part of the doctor appointments and serve as a supportive force, helping their wife or girlfriend know they arent alone since procreation is a two-way street.Men may have a variety of symptoms which can negatively affect them in the workplace such as problems with sleep, mood, focus, motivation, and loss of time due to fertility-related reasons, she adds.How to talk to your managerWhile every TTC case is different, most specialists will create a plan to give couples or singles the best odds of having a baby. This might include IVF treatments, surrogate options, and other routes. Whatever the course of action though, its likely you and your partner will be spending countless hours visiting doctors. This fact alone is reason enough to give your manager a heads up. Request a meeting in private where you let your boss know youd like to speak about a confidential, personal matter. If for any reason you dont feel you can trust him or her, seek the solace of human resources to deliver the news. Here are some topics to touch onExpress your commitmentTheres no way around it In the United States, fertility treatments are pricey, and few employers help with the cost. For many, this means a paycheck is even more important to ensure, making employment that much more significant. When you begin the conversation, Dr. Thomas urges professionals to reiterate your dedication to your gig, no matter what personal issues you may be facing. Here, its okay to be honest and request a bit of leeway and patience from the higher-ups. Explain to your boss that you are as committed to your job as much as ever, but that you are going through a very difficult time with fertility issues a nd that it is causing some temporary issues with you operating at your full capacity, she says.Take responsibilityFair warning any type of medical issue - especially one thats tied directly to your sense of self, your future and your heartstrings - may result in some intense introspective. While normal, accepting hard truths about your body and its capabilities can be frustrating and at times, scary. However, the more you take responsibility for your situation and claim ownership, the better you will feel about moving forward - both socially and professionally.Your manager needs to understand the steps youre taking, why youre taking them, and most importantly, why those steps matter to you and your happiness. This may mean strategizing ways to work and a varied solution to your day-to-day deliverables.Articulate youre trying to find better ways to work more effectively during this stressful phase such as exercising enough to help de-escalate the upsetting feelings, sharpen your c oncentration, and increase your energy, Dr. Thomas says. You may consider going to therapy to help more effectively deal with the fertility struggles and symptoms or incorporating ways to relax and de-stress into your life such as meditation or yoga, and leaning on the emotional support of family and friends.The more your manager knows what youre doing outside of office hours, the more likely they will be forgiving and understanding of your fertility journey.Be honest about your performanceDepending on the relationship you have with your boss and how long youve been at a company, he or she may be more empathetic toward your situation. If youre comfortable and feel as if your job wont be in jeopardy, Dr. Thomas says its okay to ask for a temporary shift in your responsibilities.If you are getting behind with work, missing meetings and/or deadlines, ask your boss if he or she can temporarily delegate some of your workload to others in the office, without disclosing to them why this is being done until you are more able to reclaim your full workload again, she suggests. By asking your boss to do this, you are acknowledging that you are not currently performing at your usual capacity at work, but that you dont want to disrupt or adversely affect the company because of your situation.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

5 Ways to Handle Being Lost and Confused at Work - The Muse

5 Ways to Handle Being Lost and Confused at Work - The Muse5 Ways to Handle Being Lost and Confused at WorkIf youve ever watched an episode of Charlie Brown, you probably remember his interactions with his teacher in class. No matter what shes saying, it always sounded like a distorted megaphone to Charlie. Sometimes, the arbeitszimmer can feel just like those Charlie Brown scenes. Your anfhrer or co-worker is giving you instructions or explaining an important project, and all you hear is, Womp womp womp womp womp.If youre having a moment where you have absolutely no idea whats happening at work, dont just give up. Instead, check out these five strategies to get yourself out of the metaphorical hole.1. Fake it Til You Make ItThe good old fake it til you make it strategy is one of the oldest in the book, and pretending you know whats happening can definitely come in handy, especially if youre in front of important people and dont want to sound like you dont have a grasp on whats going on.The technique can be particularly useful if youre in a situation where youre being given a great deal of information and know youll need time afterward to digest everything thats being thrown at you. In this case, its better to smile, nod, write down the information (including anything you dont understand), say Im going to process this, and Ill let you know if I have any questions, and catch up with your boss later.2. Just Say I Dont KnowThat said, you should never be afraid of simply saying, I dont know if youre truly confused, especially if youre expected to understand everything happening in the moment. Just make aya youre specific about what you need clarification on. For example, instead of blurting out, This PowerPoint makes no sense, ask, I was with you until the second part of this slide- could you repeat what you said about our analytics? This approach makes it easier for the person explaining to figure out where you got lost and how to get you up to speed.A pro tip In my experience, many things can be worked out in your head if you sit on them for a minute or two. Taking a little time to process and troubleshoot usually allows you to figure things out before you call in the reserves. (You dont want to be the person always raising his or her hand to have something explained.)3. Find a BuddyNever underestimate the power of finding someone in the office to lean on when you need something explained to you. As long as youre not poking that person all day long, asking for help, he or she will generally be happy to give you a hand.A few rules of thumb here Limit yourself to asking about two things you dont understand per day. Also, this seems obvious (but so many people do it anyway) Avoid approaching people when theyre busy. Instead, send over an email with your questions. Or, at the very least, wait until he or shes hung up the phone or finished chewing before going over.4. Prioritize Questions That Need AnsweringTheres nothing more overwhelming than feeling like you have not one, but a million, questions you want answered. Where do you even start?The easiest trick is to adopt the Eisenhower Method, which involves asking yourself two important questions Is this urgent, and is this important? Obviously, youll want to ask questions about things that are urgent and important before anything else.For example, if youve just started a new job and have a plethora of questions, its better to ask about things pertaining to your first project deadlines than it is to inquire about the best way to collaborate with other teams.5. Schedule Regular Check-in TimesIf youve noticed that your confusion is due to communication issues with co-workers or your manager, and not necessarily your work itself, it may be a good idea to schedule regular check-ins to make sure everyones on the same page. Yes, despite the incredible range of team management tools out there, its not uncommon for co-workers to get out of sync.Not sure how to bring this up with your boss or co-workers? Find several specific examples of where there was a break in communication, and illustrate how it could easily be fixed with a quick five-minute check-in once a day or longer weekly catch-up. (Heres a great read on how this can work.)Everyone struggles to figure out whats going on from time to time, so thats never something you should feel ashamed to admit. Armed with the right strategy, youll be walking the walk and talking the talk in no time.Photo of stressed woman courtesy of Shutterstock.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Warning Signs on What Is the Best Font for a Resume You Need to Know

Warning Signs on What Is the Best Font for a Resume You Need to Know You decided to have a new job, so you need to compose a resume. You may believe that you are an ideal candidate, but youd never know whether the hiring manager can properly make from the text on your resume. You dont want to have the hiring manager trying hard to read the accomplishments that you worked so tough to realize. You should remember the hiring manager doesnt need to waste plenty of time taking a look at the resume therefore, the font should be immediately readable and leid something which opens up as you stare at it longer. The Secret to What Is the Best Font for a Resume Maybe something from the below can help you to deal with a few issues that were unknown or difficult for you previously. In the long run, resume font choice may be a personal choice. Fortunately, the challenges around picking a resume font may be managed. The only issue is that it is likely to cost you a little money. There are two audiences you need to impress when you make your resume. After youve sorted out the content and the visuals, the last step is to make certain that the period of your CV is proper. Your resume should seem like an expert document, not just a bit of paper which has been stuffed with as much content as humanly possible. If your resume includes a great deal of technical info, Calibri might not be the best choice. Who Else Wants to Learn About What Is the Best Font for a Resume? Formatting your resume can be exceedingly hard. As previously mentioned, you wish to decide on a resume format thats suited to your personal profile. Theres a good deal of cool fonts which you might be tempted to utilize for your resume since they look both appealing and professional, but should you want to make aya your document will translate well on Windows and Mac PCs, it is best to choose one which is available on both operating systems. You must always select the best font for your CV, it ou ght to be well structured as it gives an overview of your abilities, skills, and accomplishments. Deciding on the most suitable font can look to be an impossible job, especially because there are dozens and dozens of choices out there. Choosing its a lazy alternative. As always, Proper Resumes is here in order to provide you the hints you need. The Benefits of What Is the Best Font for a Resume Again, you wish to make sure that your resume is readable. Be consistent with stylization, and just select one or two to make sure your resume appears professional and simple to read. Theres no need to use various styles in a cover letter. Whats more, it was inspired by Scotch Roman designs of the 19th century, so should you need to be noticed, you may want to go with something different. So you must be confident that so-called character of the font will match the objective of your text. Utilizing a very simple font will make sure your cover letter isnt difficult to read. 5 Bold tex t is very good for drawing particular attention to a couple words. Be sure to produce your font large enough so the reader doesnt need to squint to read your letter, but not so large your letter doesnt fit well on the webpage. Sans-serif fonts dont have the lines at the conclusion of each stroke. The Helvetica is regarded by many typographers as the best font style of all moment. What Is the Best Font for a Resume - the Conspiracy Well, Arial is the very best alternative for your resume. Therefore, if you are inclined to over-edit yourself, Helvetica can be used to fill out your resume. If you would like to use a sans-serif font, Arial is one of the greatest options for your resume. Keep it simple by utilizing clear fonts including Arial. Good resume layout is crucial. Resume fonts are a means to stand out. Therefore, if you use non-standard fonts, utilize the PDF format. Choosing your perfect resume font is dependent on particular factors.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Battle Over Specialized Writing to Put on Resume and How to Win It

The Battle Over Specialized Writing to Put on Resume and How to Win It The Little-Known Secrets to Specialized Writing to Put on Resume After youve found what youre searching for, customize your resume to deal with the needs your research uncovered. If youre trying hard to think of any, you can attempt utilizing the job descriptions of ads inside your industry, in addition to looking at LinkedIn profiles of individuals working in similar roles. Whether youre looking for your very first job or attempting to earn a career change, the practice starts with your resume. While the functional resume format may be an attractive alternative for job seekers with min experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. What You Need to Know About Specialized Writing to Put on Resume After youre done Get rid of all of the skills you simply have a simple grasp of. Mainly because soft skills cant be easily taught. In the majority of cases, your soft skill s can boost your hard skills. Identifying desirable crucial skills is a must. On the base of your resume, theres a section devoted to your special skills. Unfortunately, not everybody possesses that skill. Perhaps your skill set is wholly different. Double-check if youre utilizing the correct abilities and experience keywords. Specialized Writing to Put on Resume Features Which format you select will depend, in part, on the sort of work youve performed and whether you are likely to continue in the very same field. According to her, its also the reason putting your information just in the header or footer isnt a good idea. You know the fundamentals of writing a resume how to format it, the overall order and how much time it ought to be. Furthermore, a brief functional format resume can be beneficial for printing out and using in social media situations, something which realtors often use to construct their list of likely future prospects. Job Experience clearly, job expe rience is just one of the majority of useful methods to demonstrate an employer that you have what it takes. If youre not certain which skills you would like to share, consider your prior experiences. Some skills could be relevant while others arent. Listing your skills provides a gelegenheit to showcase your abilities and experiences to prime employers for the remainder of your resume. Your experience should deal with every necessary qualification in the job announcement. Hard skills are quantifiable and frequently learned from school or at work. Your skills are an overview of what you could do for the possible employer if you were offered the work at the moment.